PNK Young Kirk

Young Kirk is the Penicuik North Kirk's Sunday School and it provides an exciting programme of learning and worship activities for young people
from 5 to 14 years of age.  It meets during school terms at the same time as Sunday morning worship.  Young Kirk usually attends the first part of Sunday morning worship in the church at 11am before moving through to the halls around 11.15am for Bible stories/teaching,
arts and crafts, music, games and lots of fun.

A crèche area is provided at the front of the Sanctuary for children ages 0-5 years old and their parents to use, if they wish, during morning worship.

Whilst Covid-19 restrictions are in place, below are some websites that have a variety of activities, resources and information linked to stories in the Bible, the Church being an Eco and Fairtrade Church and important events during the year.